Oh right, blogging.

Remember when I actually had a blog? Remember when I was a photographer? Yeah, me neither. And now here I sit, googling “are blogs even still relevant in 2018?” This blog started as a way to keep family updated with baby news. Ten years ago. TEN YEARS. A full decade. …

Lunch Hour.

11:30- sitting on the couch with Mikey, just reading my book and “nice scratching” his head. 11:39-12:35- With the arrival of the lunchtime bus, the girls were home for lunch and Des woke up from his nap and I suddenly had 5 times as many kids as I had a …

System reboot. 

Things I have done today:  1. Got the 5month old his 4month vaccinations.  2. Drove the hubs to work.  3. Took 5 …

To blave.

If I had to sum up the basic format of this blog, it would go something like this- It’s a normal day. …

Still here.

Yesterday I bought a pack of newborn diapers. This seems like a minor, mundane thing. But to me, it seems huge. Because …

A Blog Post.

Status report: depressed AF. And it’s been so long since I’ve blogged that my chrome didnt auto-complete my blog admin page when …

Midsummer Report.

Back in, oh… April? I started getting excited about having a garden this year. I really wanted to get out there and …

The Best Minute

Well, I’m back on Facebook, so the great anti-social media experiment is over. And I certainly am glad it ended when it …