Six Months
Babygirl is six months old today. Which, um… hello? Six months? How did that happen? We went to the pediatrician today for …
Babygirl is six months old today. Which, um… hello? Six months? How did that happen? We went to the pediatrician today for …
I’m thinking I may still be going through some sort of post-partumy, thyroidy type depressy stuff. Cause even though most days are …
My poor little neglected blog. I knew this would happen eventually, I just didn’t think it would be so soon. Things have …
blargh. 7 miles this morning. i hurt.
Baby had her 4-month checkup today. At a NEW doctors office, hopefully one where I won’t hate all the doctors like I …
Because of today’s snowstorm, my poor siblings in MA will have to have Saturday school in May. But not here. Here is …
Ho. Lee. Hell. Today I experienced for the first time the organizational mecca that is THE CONTAINER STORE. (cue angels singing) Seriously. …
Ahhhh, laziness. Lying about on the couch watching endless episodes of Law&Order. That describes my winter all too well. A couple weeks …
So yesterday was Valentines day. We don’t overdo Valentine’s day here. We say “I love you” and we plan to make a …
Baby is finally sleeping. Poor thing’s had a rough day. Not only is she still sick, but she rolled off the couch …