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Amanda, Page 6

Oh, that.

Faced my arch-nemesis yet again this morning. Apparently this family wants to eat EVERY day, and that requires continuous grocery shopping? WTF, …

Just call me Suzy.

There are just some days when it all comes together. Morning starts with 2-yr old coming in to snuggle with Mama and …

Monday- A Play in Three Parts

Act 1: In which I wake up in good mood, prepare a healthy breakfast for my children, pack a healthy lunch for …

Come on down!

Maybe shorter entries=more entries? I’m trying that approach for now. Quantity over quality. You know that game where you say a bunch …

That Crazy Chicken.

The first of what I am sure will be many many stories: The Scene: Our car. Stuck at a traffic light waiting …

As promised.

On Friday I got as far as titling this entry. Today I’ve started on the actual writing, so we are heading in …

Still Alive. More Later.

We are still alive. We live in Canada now. I have big plans to actually write a blog entry, hopefully tomorrow? But …

Too busy for this.

So I actually don’t have time to write up a blog post right now, due to the whole moving to Canada thing… …