Bye, February.

Remember when I cured in January? Yeah, me neither. For no discernable reason, February has kicked my ass.

The good news is, lots of the things I put into place last month have actually stuck, so while I haven’t made much further progress, I also didn’t slide completely back to where I was at the beginning of the year. In February I managed to go grocery shopping at Costco (and only almost had a panic attack in the dead end dairy fridge, oh and lost one of my mittens, because duh of course), then remembered to pick up a new pair of mittens when I swung by Walmart. Buuuuut of course when I got home I realized that the “pair” was actually two right hand mitts, and anyone want to guess which mitten I’d lost? So yeah now I’ve got 3 rights and no lefts. But approximately 47 tons of pasta and a thousand fruit cups!


Pretty sure hell is just a big crowded Costco checkout.

I spent a good deal of dollars at the dollars store this month, and got all the kids arts and craft supplies organized AND nearly all the downstairs toys organized. That system still needs some tweaking (I’m looking at you, five boxes of unsorted dress-up clothes and accessories shoved in the corner) but it is far and away better than any system I’ve had to date.

fevrier_artsupplies fevrier_toycloset

This month I made scones many times, and I think I’ve perfected my copycat Starbucks pumpkin scones, which is amazing because I effing love those things. I even made a bunch to freeze. So that was a win.


I also can do a pretty bomb-ass chocolate chip scone. My mixed berry/white chocolate ones need some work but are getting there.

We had our family pictures done a couple weeks ago, and while in true LaMartina fashion the entire thing almost fell apart at the last minute, it ended up going great and I’m super happy with the images we got. Looking forward to printing and hanging some of those, before my poor baby gets old enough to develop a complex at the complete dearth of photos of himself up on our walls.

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And now it’s la semaine de relâche, and the kids are home all week, and we are supposed to get a million inches of snow, and I have an obstacle race coming up that I am 100% not ready for, and and and…

Whatever. February’s done. Bring on the next month.