The words she knows, the tune she hums.
When Violet was 2 years old, and Bianca was still a newborn, Fiona was in preschool 2 mornings a week. I decided I …
When Violet was 2 years old, and Bianca was still a newborn, Fiona was in preschool 2 mornings a week. I decided I …
It’s a big DUH, I’m aware. The hubs told me a thousand times if he told me once, YES OKAY I CONCEDE …
B-b-b-b-birthday weekend, kids. A perfect excuse for me to force the entire family to get in the car and drive 3 hours …
I’ll do what I want. (First of all, you have to know that I’ve watched this video like a billion times in …
Race report day! This was one of my first races here in Edmonton in 2011. Weird that we’ve been here long enough …
Nearly 26 weeks along now. I actually think I have not mentioned my pregnancy thus far in this particular forum. So, in …
Today we had a busy day. We had a doctor appointment for Fiona, I decided that since the office is only like …
To answer the questions I am SURE you have. 1. It isn’t. 2. Kind of. Cause I’ll put good money on you …
Like every other mommy type blogger under the sun, I have decided to do the 30-Day Shred. The difference is that everyone …
It. Is. Hot. In April. It is nearly 90 degrees, for the third day in a row now! I am miserable with …