Silence is… not me.
Thanks to a potent combination of allergens and maybe some kind of virus, I rang the new year in with a hoarse whisper.
Me without a voice is hardly me at all. It was kind of tortuous to have to curb my storytelling and blathering on. And it really crimped my parenting style, which is basically All the Yelling, All the Time.
During these past few days of forced silence, as I motioned to Nate to “hey, yell at these kids for me please” I realized that maybe I should make an actual effort to do this more often? Not lose my voice entirely, but I think it would not hurt to yell less.
So there is a resolution for the year. Yell less.
I’ve also got things on the list like “Pizza only Two Times a Week” and “Actually Clean Bathrooms Properly” and “Get Physically Ready for that Winter Obstacle Course Race I Signed Up for on a Black Friday Reduced Registration Fee Whim” and “Shower on a Regular Basis”.
All these resolutions together will hopefully turn me back into the person I was before 2015 kicked my ass. You know, the kind that does fun things like stop mid-blog-post to respond positively to a request to make Rice Krispie Squares.
I’ve got glasses with two sides attached, I’ve got a coffee maker that works, I’ve placed that order for the kids’ school pictures that was due in October.
Bring on 2016.