Six Months
Babygirl is six months old today.
Which, um… hello? Six months? How did that happen?
We went to the pediatrician today for her 6-month checkup and everything is looking good. Chickie’s still holding at the 25th for height and the 10th for weight, so hurrah! She’s all of 13lbs.9oz. now. And a whopping 25 inches long. She also had to get three shots, which makes her-
But the even BIGGER news is that last night she slept from 11:15pm until 6:15 this morning WITHOUT WAKING UP!!!!! Which was AMAZING!!!! Or, it would have been an amazing 7 solid hours of sleep if I hadn’t woken up like 3 times and felt compelled to go into her room just to check that she was still breathing..which she was. Of course. Buuuuuut yeah. It was still a very good night.
I need good nights.
Other things about today that are awesome-
– I scored tickets to the Sox/Nationals game in June. I actually bought tickets for two nights in a row, because hey! It’s Nationals Park and you can get $10 tickets! Whee!! Of course, I had to like enter a lottery to win the chance to purchase tickets (which I think was a crock of crap [see, I can not swear] because they have sent me three different emails, the first one said “sorry, you didnt win the chance to buy tickets. But you could still get tickets to teh game if you buy season passes!” and then the second one was like “oh now you did win the chance to buy them but you only have until tomorrow!” and the third was was basically the same as the second one but they sent it out again.) buuuuuuuuuut anyways I bought tickets and I’m excited and thrilled. Can’t wait to take baby to her first Sox game.
-Coffee. I have had some.
-Nate came home for lunch and I made a delicious dish with chicken and spaghetti and cheese…mmm…
-Thats pretty much it.
The half-marathon is this Sunday. I incredibly unprepared, but I think with a combination of slow jogging and walk breaks I should be able to cross the finish line. Thank God they’ve got an open early-bird start, so theoretically I could be the slowest finisher without being the absolute last person to cross the finish line.